Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

1. We will accept adverts from any genuine private Jaguar owner
2. Adverts for cars, parts, accessories and tools for sale are acceptable
3. Sellers are asked to advise the Administrator when the goods for sale have been sold or withdrawn from sale
4. The Administrator reserves the right to remove adverts without any notification to the owner of the goods for sale
5. Adverts will be tagged with a commencement date and removed after a three month period. Adverts can be re submitted for a further 3 months upon request.
6. The Administrator reserves the right to refuse any advert submitted
7. The Advert must contain a short description of the goods for sale, preferably a photo or two, an asking price, sellers name and contact details.
8. To have an advert added to this page you must submit the advert by email to the club Editor. (Contact details above).
JDCSA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy and genuineness of any seller, or the information and details supplied by any seller, who may choose to advertise on this page. It remains the responsibility of the buyer to properly assess and check the information and details for themselves.
Cars, Parts and Tools for Sale or Wanted
The JDCSA Facebook Page, "JDCSA - Members Discussion - Jaguar Parts for Sale or Wanted" - You may also find helpful when seeking Jaguar cars and parts for sale.

FOR SALE: 1964 Daimler 250 V8
1964 Daimler 250 V8 – Unwanted Project
This project car includes complete running gear with matching numbers as certified by Jaguar UK.
Motor was last started 04/2023 and ran very smoothly, only done 27,000 miles. Reconditioned carbies.
Oil pressure / water / amp gauges all working.
Complete set of front and back brakes, including reconditioned rear brake callipers.
Chrome parts etc. Interior timber dash in reasonable condition.
Body very rough due to significant rust. Located in Adelaide SA.
Asking $7,000 ono
Contact David Prior
Mobile: 0403 991 475

FOR SALE: 1971 XJ6 Series 1
2nd family ownership. Manual with overdrive
Bare metal respray 23 k …perfect
Extensive history & expenditure including engine rebuild. Books from new.
This is an excellent vehicle and will suit the most exacting enquiries….
Asking $19,500 which will be proven to the next owner to be money well spent.
Please ring Mark on 0401444919
FOR SALE: 1988 XJ-S Coupe
This is a well-known car within our club. Owned for 17 years. The car is in excellent condition.
To interested members before it goes online to be advertised nationally.
Contact Rick on 0411 426913 or rickluff@iinet.net.au.

Very rare car with Heritage Certificate from Jaguar
122,000 kms
Exceptional condition.
PRICE $32,000
Please phone David Seidel - 0411 380 388 or 0419 806 866

Welcome to Classifieds
This page is solely for the FREE advertising of private Jaguar and/or Daimler related adverts. Business adverts will not be included.
If you wish to place an advert, please contact our Classic Marque Editor - Graham Franklin